School buildings are integral part in the formal education of the learners. They are designed and constructed in such a way that will enhance the potential of each learner and boost the learning process.

In restructuring the environment of Don Carlos Village Elementary School designs and structures are made into consideration to reach its maximum potential in achieving quality education.

The DCVES: Build, Build, Build Project will ensure the accessibility of the new environment to provide equal access to everyone. The new environment will be attractive and pleasing to the eye, which will help the learners feel a sense of ownership and pride to boost their learning process. The aim of the project is to give a high quality formal education to its learners as it has promised by creating a learning environment that will enhance and speedup the learning process. Safety and security were also given priority to provide a comfortable and healthy school environment.

Restructuring the environment of Don Carlos Village Elementary School will be a big help for all the stakeholders achieve the goals of formal education.