Mrs. Maria Liza P. Cabildo, the principal opened the said LAC Session. She mentioned about waste management inside our school whereas “Basura mo, Uwi mo”. She asked every teacher to search about NCR UNO and be part of it. She also talked about the Quality Management Processes and be well managed with care like observation and meeting.

Mrs. Emilia Oblianda, our division supervisor, also joined the meeting. She added some information about the topic tackled.Master Teachers such as Mrs. Sardonica Bajado gave updated information on reading (PHIL-IRI). Ms. Sharon Sergio tackled about minutes of meeting, website and issuance of card. Mrs. Evelyn Quinan also gave information about LIS / SF4 and bullying on social media. Mr. Salvador Detecio, added other information.

Grade leaders from different levels also reported the achievement regarding test results on every grade section. Master Teachers on different subject areas also reported the summary of achievement increased and decreased of MPS from first grading to third grading.